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North Macedonia
And, the answer for the the question : ‘Which country’s name had to be changed after a dispute with Greece?’ is
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North Macedonia is a small country located in the Balkans region of Europe, bordered by Greece, Albania, Kosovo, and Serbia. Until recently, it was known as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), a name that it adopted in 1991 after declaring independence from Yugoslavia.
However, this name was not universally accepted, particularly by Greece, which has a region in the north of the country also called Macedonia. Greece saw the use of the name “Macedonia” by its northern neighbor as an attempt to lay claim to Greek cultural heritage and history, particularly the ancient kingdom of Macedon and its most famous ruler, Alexander the Great.
The dispute over the name led to a decades-long diplomatic standoff between Greece and FYROM, with Greece blocking FYROM’s entry into international organizations and refusing to recognize its name or its right to use the name “Macedonia.”
In 2018, after years of negotiations, a historic agreement was reached between the two countries, under which FYROM agreed to change its name to North Macedonia. The agreement was hailed as a major breakthrough, and it paved the way for North Macedonia to join the European Union and NATO.
The name change was not without controversy, however, as it faced opposition from some politicians and citizens in both countries. Nevertheless, it was ultimately approved by both the North Macedonian and Greek parliaments, and it has been recognized by the international community.
North Macedonia is a small but proud country, with a rich cultural heritage and a growing presence on the global stage. Its journey to a new name is a testament to the power of diplomacy and compromise, and it serves as a reminder that even longstanding disputes can be resolved through dialogue and negotiation.