Which deposed emperor had his nose cut off and replaced by a gold replica?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Justinian II
  • Constantine
  • Leo I
  • John V

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



Justinian II gained the nickname “the slit-nosed” after Leontios, the man who snatched the throne from Justinian II and claimed it for himself in 695 CE, severed Justinian II’s nose. After being banished to a port city in Crimea, Emperor Justinian II had a golden nose cast for him to wear during his time there. He retook the throne in the year 705 CE and ruled the empire in a manner that was characterised by personal vendettas and ineffective military expeditions against the enemies of the empire.

Which deposed emperor had his nose cut off and replaced by a gold replica?
Justinian II, also known as Justinian the Rhinotmetos (“the slit-nosed”), was a Byzantine emperor who ruled from 685 CE to 695 CE and again from 705 CE to 711 CE. He is known for his ruthless and controversial reign, which was marked by political repression and violence.

Justinian II came to power at a young age, succeeding his father, Constantine IV, at the age of 16. He was an ambitious ruler who sought to expand the Byzantine Empire and assert his authority over his subjects. However, his methods were often brutal, and he quickly became known for his heavy-handed tactics.

One of the most infamous incidents of Justinian II’s reign occurred in 692 CE, when he was deposed by a group of nobles who were unhappy with his rule. Justinian II was exiled to the Crimea, where his nose was cut off as a symbol of his humiliation.

Justinian II remained determined to regain his throne. He eventually succeeded in doing so in 705 CE, with the help of the Bulgar Khan Tervel. Upon his return to Constantinople, Justinian II took revenge on his enemies, executing or exiling many of those who had opposed him.

As a symbol of his triumph over his enemies, Justinian II had a gold replica of his nose made and wore it in public. He also instituted a number of reforms aimed at strengthening his grip on power, including the establishment of a secret police force known as the Excubitors.

Justinian II’s reign was marked by political instability and dissent. He was eventually overthrown and executed in 711 CE, bringing an end to his controversial and divisive reign.

Justinian II is remembered as one of the most controversial and ruthless rulers in Byzantine history. His use of violence and repression to maintain his grip on power has earned him a place in history as a symbol of tyranny and abuse of power. The story of his nose, which was cut off and replaced with a gold replica, has become a symbol of his brutal reign and the lasting legacy of his controversial rule.