Which fact is true about whales?


Here is the question : WHICH FACT IS TRUE ABOUT WHALES?


Here is the option for the question :

  • They lived before dinosaurs
  • Their ancestors walked on land
  • They don’t have teeth
  • They evolved from sharks

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Their ancestors walked on land


Although whales, dolphins, and porpoises are all marine mammals today, their common progenitor lived on land 50 million years ago. Riverbanks in India and Pakistan were home to the goat-like creature known as Pakicetus. The animal’s offspring gradually adapted to life in the ocean, eventually becoming whales.

Which fact is true about whales?
Whales are a group of marine mammals that are known for their impressive size and aquatic lifestyles. While they may seem like creatures that have always lived in the water, the truth is that their ancestors actually walked on land millions of years ago.

Whales are believed to have evolved from a group of four-legged mammals known as artiodactyls, which lived on land during the Eocene epoch around 50 million years ago. These early artiodactyls were similar in appearance to modern-day deer, pigs, and cows, and they were adapted to life on land.

Over time, some of these artiodactyls began to move into the water, likely in search of new sources of food or to avoid predators. These early semi-aquatic mammals evolved a number of adaptations that allowed them to become more efficient swimmers, including streamlined bodies, flippers instead of legs, and other changes to their skeletal structure.

As these early semi-aquatic mammals continued to evolve and adapt to life in the water, they eventually gave rise to the first true whales around 40 million years ago. These early whales, known as archaeocetes, were still quite different from modern-day whales, but they had many of the adaptations necessary for a fully aquatic lifestyle, including blowholes for breathing and flukes for propulsion.

Over time, whales continued to evolve and diversify, giving rise to the many different species that we know today. From the massive blue whale, which is the largest animal to ever live, to the tiny dwarf sperm whale, which is only around 9 feet long, whales have adapted to a wide range of aquatic environments and lifestyles.

however, whales still retain many of the characteristics and traits of their terrestrial ancestors. For example, they are warm-blooded, breathe air, and give birth to live young, all of which are adaptations that are believed to have evolved while they were still living on land.

the fact that whales’ ancestors once walked on land is true and is a testament to the incredible adaptability and evolution of these fascinating creatures. From land-dwelling artiodactyls to fully aquatic whales, these animals have undergone numerous adaptations and changes over millions of years to become one of the most impressive and successful groups of animals on the planet.