Which founding father wrote down an early recipe for vanilla ice cream?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Alexander Hamilton
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • George Washington
  • John Adams

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Thomas Jefferson


Two bottles of good milk, six yolks of eggs, half a pound of sugar, and one stick of vanilla are all that are called for in one of the first recorded recipes for vanilla ice cream, which was written down by none other than Thomas Jefferson. Although Jefferson did not create the recipe himself, he did write it down when his butler, Adrien Petit, developed it. The recipe is now part of the permanent collection of the Library of Congress.

Which founding father wrote down an early recipe for vanilla ice cream?
Thomas Jefferson is perhaps best known for his role as a founding father of the United States and as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. But what many people might not know is that Jefferson was also a passionate food lover and a talented chef. In fact, Jefferson is credited with writing down one of the earliest known recipes for vanilla ice cream.

The story goes that Jefferson first encountered vanilla ice cream while serving as the American ambassador to France in the late 1780s. He was so enamored with the flavor that he brought back a recipe for the dish to the United States, where he served it to guests at his estate in Virginia.

The recipe itself is relatively simple, calling for ingredients such as cream, sugar, eggs, and vanilla extract. But at the time, ice cream was still a relatively new and exotic dish, and Jefferson’s recipe helped to popularize the dessert among the American elite.

Jefferson was also known for his interest in growing and cultivating food. He was an avid gardener and farmer, and his estate at Monticello was home to a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

Jefferson’s interest in food and agriculture was not just a hobby, but also a reflection of his political beliefs. He believed that a strong and independent United States needed to be able to feed itself, and he saw agriculture as a vital component of the country’s economic and social well-being.

Jefferson’s legacy lives on in many ways, including in the popularity of vanilla ice cream and in the ongoing importance of sustainable agriculture. And while he may be best known for his political achievements, his contributions to the culinary world are also an important part of his legacy.