Which is NOT a type of volcano?


Here is the question : WHICH IS NOT A TYPE OF VOLCANO?


Here is the option for the question :

  • Cinder cone
  • Composite
  • Stratic
  • Shield

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



There are primarily four different kinds of volcanoes. Cinder cones are composed of congealed debris around the volcanic vent; composite volcanoes are made of layers of lava, ash, and debris; shield volcanoes are composed of liquid lava flows; and lava domes are built up from viscous lava.

Which is NOT a type of volcano?
Stratic is not an official type of volcano. The common classification of volcanoes includes shield, cinder cone, composite cone, stratovolcano (also known as composite volcano), and caldera.

Shield volcanoes have a gently sloping profile, formed by low-viscosity basaltic lava that flows easily. Gravity causes the lava to spread out, creating flat surfaces. Examples include Kilauea in Hawaii and Mauna Loa. They are low-level volcanoes, rarely exceeding 5,000 meters in height.

Cinder cones are steep-sided, bowl-shaped volcanoes formed by explosive eruptions of gas-rich lava. They are composed of unconsolidated rock fragments like cinders, scoria, lapilli and volcanic bombs. Little Sister is a famous cinder cone in California. They tend to be small, rarely more than 600 meters high.

Composite cones, also known as stratovolcanoes, are tall volcanoes formed by alternating layers of lava flows and explosive ejecta like tuffs, cinders and ash. They have symmetrical profiles and steep sides. Examples include Mount St. Helens, Mount Pinatubo and Mount Merapi. Ranging from 2,000 to over 8,000 meters high, they are the most numerous type of volcano.

Calderas are broad, shallow volcanic craters formed by a collapse in the roof of a magma chamber. They have a basin shape and are much wider than deep. Calderas can be up to 100 km wide but only a few km deep. Examples include Long Valley Caldera, Yellowstone Caldera and Toba Caldera in Indonesia. They were formed by exceptionally large explosions or the collapse of a large shallow magma chamber.

the types of volcanoes are shield, cinder cone, composite cone (stratovolcano), caldera. Stratic is not an actual volcanic classification.

Shield volcanoes have gently sloping profiles and basaltic lava forming flat surfaces. Kilauea, Mauna Loa rarely over 5,000 meters high.

Cinder cones are steep-sided, bowl-shaped with unconsolidated rock fragments. Little Sister, rarely over 600 meters high.

Composite cones (stratovolcanoes) have symmetrical profiles and steep sides with lava/ejecta layers. Mount St. Helens, Mount Pinatubo, Mount Merapi 2,000-8,000 meters high, most numerous type.

Calderas are broad, shallow craters formed by magma chamber collapse. Basin shape, wider than deep, up to 100 km wide but a few km deep. Long Valley Caldera, Yellowstone Caldera, Toba Caldera formed by large explosions or shallow chamber collapse.

the types of volcanoes are shield, cinder cone, composite cone (stratovolcano), caldera. Stratic is not an actual volcanic classification.

The common classification of volcanoes includes shield, cinder cone, composite cone (also known as stratovolcano), and caldera. Stratic is not an official type of volcano.

Stratic is NOT a type of volcano.