Which lake has a forest beneath its surface?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Banjosa Lake, Pakistan
  • Lake Kaindy, Kazakhstan
  • Brush Lake, USA
  • Emerald Lake, India

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Lake Kaindy, Kazakhstan


In 1911, a huge earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale caused limestone landslides to occur in Kazakhstan. One of these landslides created a natural dam causing rainwater to flood the area that would eventually become Lake Kaindy. The teal water of the lake can be attributed to the large amounts of limestone in the lake, but the most unusual feature of the lake is, of course, the sunken forest which appears above the surface as bare tree trunks standing straight up out of the water. Divers have the opportunity to explore a scenery that appears to be from another universe thanks to the underwater forest that has been colonized by algae.

Which lake has a forest beneath its surface?
Lake Kaindy is a stunningly beautiful lake located in the Tien Shan Mountains of Kazakhstan. The lake is known for its distinctive turquoise color and unique feature – a submerged forest that can be seen beneath its surface.

The submerged forest in Lake Kaindy is believed to have been created following an earthquake in the region in 1911, which triggered a massive landslide that blocked the valley and created the lake. The trees in the forest were submerged by the rising waters of the lake, and have been preserved in the cold, oxygen-poor waters ever since.

the submerged forest in Lake Kaindy is a popular destination for divers and snorkelers, who can explore the eerie and fascinating landscape of tree trunks and branches that lies beneath the surface of the lake. The lake is also a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers, who can enjoy the stunning beauty of the surrounding Tien Shan Mountains and the unique ecology of the lake and its surroundings.

Lake Kaindy faces a range of challenges, including the threat of climate change, pollution, and overuse by visitors. Efforts are underway to address these challenges and to promote greater sustainability and conservation in the area, ensuring that Lake Kaindy remains a vital and vibrant ecosystem for generations to come.

Lake Kaindy also holds important cultural and historical significance for the people of Kazakhstan and the wider world. The lake and its surroundings are home to a range of traditional Kazakh communities, who have lived in the region for centuries and who continue to maintain their traditional way of life in the face of modernization and development.

Lake Kaindy in Kazakhstan is a unique and fascinating destination, known for its stunning turquoise waters and submerged forest. The lake offers visitors a chance to explore the beauty and wonder of the natural world, while also serving as an important cultural and historical landmark for the people of Kazakhstan and the wider world. Despite its challenges, Lake Kaindy remains a vital and vibrant ecosystem, and a must-visit destination for anyone interested in experiencing the beauty and diversity of the natural world.