Which of the following did astronauts leave on the moon?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Golf balls
  • Spacesuits
  • Candy wrappers
  • Money

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Golf balls


Alan Shepard, an astronaut aboard Apollo 14, struck two golf balls on the moon on February 6, 1971, just before he returned to Earth. In spite of the fact that his first couple of swings didn’t exactly set the world on fire, he was eventually successful in making contact. It is thought that the balls and other items that were discarded or left behind by Apollo astronauts, such as equipment, commemorative plaques and mementos, and autographed photographs, are still on the surface of the moon today.

Which of the following did astronauts leave on the moon?
“Hidden Figures” is a film that tells the story of the women who played a crucial role in NASA’s early success in space. The film is based on the true story of three African American women who worked as mathematicians at NASA during the 1960s. The film highlights the struggles and triumphs of these women, who overcame racial and gender discrimination to make significant contributions to the space program.

The film follows the story of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, who were all employed by NASA’s Langley Research Center in Virginia. Johnson, played by Taraji P. Henson, was a mathematician who calculated the trajectories for the early space flights, including the first manned orbit of the Earth by John Glenn. Vaughan, played by Octavia Spencer, was a supervisor who helped to pioneer the use of computers in NASA’s calculations. Jackson, played by Janelle Monae, was an engineer who fought for the right to attend an all-white school so that she could become an engineer.

The film depicts the challenges that these women faced as they worked to overcome the racial and gender discrimination that was prevalent in the 1960s. They were often relegated to lower-level positions and were not given the same opportunities as their white, male counterparts. However, through their hard work and perseverance, they were able to make significant contributions to the space program and help to launch America into space.

The film also highlights the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. By showcasing the achievements of these women, the film demonstrates the value of having a diverse workforce and the importance of providing equal opportunities for all employees. The film has been praised for its positive portrayal of women and people of color in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

“Hidden Figures” is a powerful film that tells the story of the women who played a crucial role in NASA’s early success in space. The film highlights the struggles and triumphs of these women, who overcame racial and gender discrimination to make significant contributions to the space program. The film also serves as a reminder of the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and the value of providing equal opportunities for all employees. “Hidden Figures” has inspired and educated audiences around the world and will continue to be a source of inspiration for generations to come.