Which of these American goods did Walter Raleigh NOT bring to England?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Tobacco
  • Maize
  • Chocolate
  • Potatoes

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



The adventurer Sir Walter Raleigh brought potatoes, tobacco, and maize back with him to England in 1586 after spending time in Virginia. His trip had taken place the previous year. Tobacco was the first successful American export to make its way around the world. Not only did it quickly become popular among commoners, but it was also considered to be beneficial to one’s health. It is even said that Raleigh convinced Elizabeth herself to try a puff on a pipe of tobacco that he had procured for her.

Which of these American goods did Walter Raleigh NOT bring to England?
Sir Walter Raleigh was one of the most famous English explorers of the Elizabethan era. He is credited with founding the first English colony in North America and bringing many new commodities and products back to England. However, one American good that he did not bring back was chocolate.

Although chocolate was a popular drink among the indigenous peoples of Central and South America, it was not widely known in Europe until the 16th century. By the time Raleigh began his explorations in North America, chocolate had yet to make its way to the continent.

Instead, Raleigh focused on other goods that he believed would be of value to England. He brought back tobacco, potatoes, and various other plants and animals, many of which would become important staples in the English diet.

Raleigh’s efforts to bring new goods and commodities to England were part of a larger movement of exploration and colonization that marked the Elizabethan era. England was seeking to expand its power and influence around the world, and explorers like Raleigh were instrumental in achieving this goal.

However, Raleigh’s efforts to establish a colony in North America were not entirely successful. The colony he founded on Roanoke Island in what is now North Carolina faced numerous challenges, including hostile Native American tribes and a lack of supplies and support from England. The colonists were eventually forced to abandon the settlement and return to England.

Raleigh’s efforts to explore and colonize North America paved the way for future English colonization efforts. His legacy as a pioneering explorer and entrepreneur has endured to this day, and his name is synonymous with the early history of English colonization in the New World.

Sir Walter Raleigh did not bring chocolate back to England from his explorations in North America. Instead, he focused on other goods that he believed would be of value to England, including tobacco, potatoes, and various other plants and animals. Raleigh’s legacy as a pioneering explorer and entrepreneur has endured to this day, and his efforts to establish a foothold in North America paved the way for future English colonization efforts in the New World.