Which President’s face was finished first?




Here is the option for the question :

  • George Washington
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Abraham Lincoln

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

George Washington


George Washington was the first of the four presidential faces to be finished after they were all started. On July 4, 1930, prior to the beginning of construction on Washington, a ceremony of dedication was place. After another four years, it was finally completed. 1936 was the year that Thomas Jefferson was finished, 1937 was the year that Abraham Lincoln was done, and 1939 was the year that Theodore Roosevelt was finished. The summit of Mount Rushmore was officially dedicated for the last time on October 31, 1941.

Which President’s face was finished first?
Mount Rushmore, a national monument in South Dakota, is famous for its iconic carving of the faces of four U.S. Presidents – George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. The monument is an impressive feat of engineering and artistry, and each President’s face was carved with great care and attention to detail. But do you know which President’s face was finished first? The answer is George Washington.

Construction of Mount Rushmore began in 1927, and the work was led by sculptor Gutzon Borglum and a team of workers. The team used dynamite and pneumatic drills to remove large sections of granite from the mountain, and then carefully sculpted the faces of the Presidents using hand tools.

Borglum began work on George Washington’s face in 1927, and it was the first to be completed. The face measures 60 feet tall and is located in the center of the monument. Borglum chose to depict Washington with a stern expression and a prominent nose, to emphasize his leadership and strength.

After Washington’s face was completed, Borglum moved on to the other Presidents. Jefferson’s face was next, followed by Lincoln and then Roosevelt. Each face took several years to complete, and the work was often dangerous and grueling. Workers had to hang from ropes and harnesses to reach the high points of the mountain, and they were often exposed to extreme weather conditions.

the team worked tirelessly to create one of the most iconic monuments in the world. The faces of the Presidents are a testament to American history and the achievements of its leaders. They serve as a reminder of the qualities that make great leaders – strength, courage, and dedication to the common good.

Mount Rushmore is a popular tourist destination and a symbol of American democracy. Millions of visitors come to see the monument each year, and the faces of the Presidents continue to inspire and awe people from all over the world. And while George Washington’s face may have been the first to be completed, all four faces are equally impressive and represent the best of American leadership.