Which rare animal is known as the Asian unicorn?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Saola
  • Sumatran rhino
  • Muntjac
  • Sika deer

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



The saola, which is related to cattle but more closely resembles an antelope in appearance, is also known as the Asian unicorn. The unusual mammal was found in the country’s northernmost region in the year 1992, making it the first huge mammal to be discovered by scientists in over half a century. Only four specimens of this enigmatic species have ever been recorded in scholarly literature. It is not known how many saola there are in total, but experts estimate that there are anywhere from a few dozen to a few hundred of them.

Which rare animal is known as the Asian unicorn?
The saola, also known as the Asian unicorn, is one of the rarest and most elusive animals in the world. This unique and beautiful species is found only in the remote forests of Vietnam and Laos, and is known for its striking appearance and impressive adaptations to its environment.

The saola is named for its two long, parallel horns, which are reminiscent of the mythical unicorn. These horns are used by the saola to defend itself against predators and to establish dominance within its social group.

the saola is facing a number of threats to its survival. Habitat loss, hunting, and poaching are all contributing to a decline in saola populations, and the species is now considered to be critically endangered.

Efforts are underway to protect and conserve saola populations, including measures to reduce hunting and poaching, protect their forest habitats, and promote sustainable land use practices. In addition, scientists and conservationists are working to learn more about the biology and behavior of the saola, in order to better understand their needs and develop effective conservation strategies.

One of the key challenges in conserving the saola is its elusive nature. The animals are extremely shy and difficult to observe in the wild, and little is known about their behavior, social organization, or reproductive biology.

conservationists remain optimistic about the future of the saola. By working together to protect and conserve these amazing animals, we can help to ensure that they continue to thrive in the wild, and that future generations have the opportunity to appreciate their unique beauty and importance.

the saola is a rare and elusive species, known for its striking appearance and impressive adaptations to its environment. Despite facing a number of threats to its survival, efforts are underway to protect and conserve saola populations, and to better understand their biology and behavior. By supporting these conservation efforts, we can help to ensure the survival of this amazing and unique species for generations to come.