Which storyteller is credited with the epic poem “The Iliad”?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Homer
  • Shakespeare
  • Virgil
  • Aesop

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :



One of the most well-known pieces of literature produced by Western culture is called “The Iliad.” It is an epic poem about the besieging of Troy during the Trojan War, and it features well-known mythical characters such as Achilles, Odysseus, Helen of Troy, and a full host of Greek gods. Homer, a mythical storyteller, is credited with writing ‘The Odyssey,’ which is considered to be a successor to ‘The Iliad.’ Homer is also credited with writing ‘The Iliad.’ No one can say for certain if there was only ever one individual with that name or whether the name “Homer” is only a stand-in for the years’ worth of oral tradition that may have been responsible for the production of the two poems. For that matter, historians are uncertain as to whether or not the events described in ‘The Iliad’ ever took place. Historians agree that the city of Troy most likely existed; but, they are much less certain that a Trojan Horse or even a Trojan War ever took place.

Which storyteller is credited with the epic poem `The Iliad`?
Homer is a legendary storyteller who is credited with writing two of the most important epic poems in Western literature: “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey.” These works have had a profound impact on literature, art, and culture, and have been studied and admired for centuries.

“The Iliad” is an epic poem that tells the story of the Trojan War, a legendary conflict between the Greeks and the Trojans that took place around 1200 BCE. The poem is composed of 24 books and more than 15,000 lines of verse, and is considered one of the greatest works of literature in the Western canon.

Homer’s authorship of “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” is a subject of debate among scholars, as little is known about the author’s life or even if he was a single person. Some scholars argue that the poems are the work of multiple authors, while others believe that they were written by a single, talented storyteller.

Regardless of the authorship, “The Iliad” remains an enduring and influential work of literature. It has been translated into dozens of languages, and has inspired countless adaptations and reinterpretations in literature, art, and popular culture.

The poem is known for its vivid and detailed descriptions of battle scenes and warrior culture, as well as its exploration of themes such as honor, loyalty, and the futility of war. It is also notable for its complex characters, including the heroic Achilles and the tragic Hector, who have become archetypes of Western literature.

As we celebrate the enduring legacy of “The Iliad” and its author Homer, we are reminded of the importance of storytelling and the enduring power of literature to inspire and uplift us. We are reminded of the beauty and wonder of the natural world, and of the importance of exploring the complex themes and emotions that make us human.