Who dressed as a man to lead French forces in battle against the English?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Eleanor of Aquitaine
  • Joan of Arc
  • Catherine de Medici
  • Empress Matilda

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Joan of Arc


When Joan of Arc was a young woman, she firmly felt that God had selected her to be the one to lead France to victory over the English. Answering the call, she dressed as a man and led the French army in a great victory over the Anglo-Burgundians, breaking the siege of Orléans. Sadly, she was discovered practicing witchcraft in later years and was put to death for it. The devoutness and valor demonstrated by Joan of Arc led to the establishment of her canonization as a saint in the Catholic Church in the year 1920.

Who dressed as a man to lead French forces in battle against the English?
Joan of Arc is one of the most iconic figures in French history. Born in 1412 in a small village in northeastern France, Joan was a peasant girl who claimed to have received divine guidance from saints and angels. She became a key figure in the Hundred Years’ War between France and England, leading French forces to a number of important victories and ultimately helping to secure the French crown for Charles VII.

One of the most famous stories about Joan of Arc is that she dressed as a man to lead French forces in battle against the English. At the time, it was highly unusual for a woman to participate in military affairs, let alone lead an army. But Joan was determined to help her country and believed that she had been called by God to do so.

Joan’s decision to dress as a man was not just a matter of practicality, but also one of symbolism. By donning male clothing, she was able to project an image of strength, courage, and authority that was traditionally associated with men. Her actions challenged conventional gender roles and helped to pave the way for future women to participate in military and political affairs.

Joan’s military career was marked by a number of victories, including the lifting of the siege of Orléans and the coronation of Charles VII at Reims. However, her success was short-lived. In 1430, she was captured by the English and accused of heresy and witchcraft. She was put on trial and ultimately burned at the stake in Rouen in 1431.

Joan of Arc remains a symbol of courage, determination, and patriotism. Her legacy has inspired countless works of art, literature, and film, and she continues to be celebrated as a national heroine in France. Her decision to dress as a man to lead French forces in battle against the English is just one example of her remarkable courage and determination, and serves as a testament to her enduring legacy as a symbol of hope and inspiration.