Why is Ottawa the capital of Canada?




Here is the option for the question :

  • Queen Victoria chose it
  • It was the French seat of power
  • It’s Canada’s largest city
  • Canadian citizens voted for it

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

Queen Victoria chose it


Montreal, Toronto, and Quebec City were all competing for the title of Canadian capital in the middle of the 19th century, and Queen Victoria was urged to decide between them. Her selection of Ottawa at the time, a small logging community, startled several. The city’s neutral placement in between Toronto and Montreal on the divide between the colony’s French and English speakers made it an attractive option.

Why is Ottawa the capital of Canada?
Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, is located in the province of Ontario and is home to many important government institutions, including the Parliament of Canada. But why was Ottawa chosen to be the capital of Canada? The answer lies in a decision made by Queen Victoria over 160 years ago.

In the early years of Canada’s history, the country did not have a permanent capital. Instead, the capital would move between different cities, including Kingston, Montreal, and Quebec City. This was because the country was still developing and there was no consensus on where the capital should be located.

In 1857, Queen Victoria was asked to choose a permanent capital for Canada. At the time, the country was still a British colony, and the Queen had ultimate authority over many important decisions. She was presented with three options: Kingston, Montreal, and Ottawa.

Kingston was a popular choice at the time, as it was the largest city in Canada and had a long history as a military and political center. Montreal was also a contender, as it was a major commercial hub and had a large French-speaking population. Ottawa, on the other hand, was a small town located on the border between Ontario and Quebec, with a population of just over 7,000 people.

Queen Victoria ultimately chose Ottawa as the capital of Canada. There are several reasons why she made this decision. One factor was the town’s location on the border between Ontario and Quebec, which was seen as away to promote unity and compromise between the two provinces. In addition, Ottawa was located far away from the American border, which was seen as a potential threat to Canada’s security at the time.

Another factor that may have influenced Queen Victoria’s decision was the fact that Ottawa had a strong connection to the military. The town was home to several military installations, including the Rideau Canal, which was built as a defensive measure during the War of 1812. This may have been seen as a strategic advantage in the event of future conflicts.

After Ottawa was chosen as the capital, the government began to invest heavily in the city’s infrastructure and development. The Parliament Buildings were constructed on a hill overlooking the Ottawa River, and many other important government buildings and institutions were established in the city. Today, Ottawa is a thriving city with a population of over one million people, and it remains the political and administrative center of Canada.

Ottawa was chosen as the capital of Canada because of a decision made by Queen Victoria over 160 years ago. The town’s location on the border between Ontario and Quebec, its distance from the American border, and its connection to the military were all factors that may have influenced the Queen’s decision. Today, Ottawa is a vibrant and diverse city that reflects the unique history and culture of Canada.