What is the name of the ship that rescued the survivors?




Here is the option for the question :

  • RMS Liverpool
  • RMS Ulysses
  • RMS Carpathia
  • RMS Elizabeth

The Answer:

And, the answer for the the question is :

RMS Carpathia


The name of the ship that comes to the rescue of the people who had been trapped in the middle of the Atlantic is a nod to the real-life ship that did this very thing. After the ship goes down, Rose is put aboard a lifeboat that eventually reaches the RMS Carpathia. There, she mends and waits for the ship to pull into port while concealing herself among the steerage passengers, the last people she will ever see alive.

What is the name of the ship that rescued the survivors?
The sinking of the RMS Titanic on April 15, 1912, was one of the most tragic events in maritime history. However, thanks to the efforts of the crew of the RMS Carpathia, many of the Titanic’s passengers and crew were able to survive.

The RMS Carpathia was a Cunard Line passenger ship that was sailing from New York to Fiume, Austria-Hungary (now Rijeka, Croatia), when it received the distress call from the Titanic. The Carpathia was approximately 58 miles away from the Titanic when it received the call and immediately set course to assist.

Upon reaching the site of the sinking, the crew of the Carpathia began the difficult task of rescuing survivors from the frigid waters of the North Atlantic. The ship’s captain, Arthur Henry Rostron, ordered the crew to prepare hot drinks, blankets, and medical supplies to help the survivors.

In total, the Carpathia rescued 705 passengers and crew members from the Titanic, including women, children, and prominent figures such as Molly Brown. The survivors were given medical attention and care, and the ship made its way back to New York City with the survivors on board.

The RMS Carpathia’s heroic efforts in rescuing the survivors of the Titanic have made it an important part of the history of maritime rescue. The ship continued to serve as a passenger liner until it was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine in 1918 during World War I.

the legacy of the Carpathia lives on, and its role in the rescue of the Titanic survivors is remembered and celebrated. The ship’s heroic efforts in the face of tragedy continue to inspire people around the world to work towards greater safety and security in maritime travel.

the RMS Carpathia was the ship that rescued the survivors of the Titanic after the ship sank on April 15, 1912. The Carpathia’s crew worked tirelessly to rescue survivors from the frigid waters of the North Atlantic, and their heroic efforts have made the ship an important part of the history of maritime rescue. Today, the Carpathia’s legacy continues to inspire people around the world to work towards greater safety and security in maritime travel.